September 20, 2024

Is AI Video Really Going to Take Over the World in 2024? My Experience with Heygen

Is AI Video Really Going to Take Over the World in 2024? My Experience with Heygen

AI video is one of the hottest buzzwords for 2024, with many experts predicting it will revolutionize content creation. As someone who’s always looking to leverage the latest tools to streamline my work, I decided to give it a shot. Specifically, I tried out Heygen, an AI video generation platform that promises quick and easy video content. Here’s how it went.

The Hype: AI Video as a Game Changer

If you’ve been following the conversation around AI video, you’ll know that it’s being touted as a game changer for marketing, education, social media, and even entertainment. The allure is clear—AI promises to generate high-quality, engaging video content with minimal effort and expertise. As someone involved in marketing and content creation, this sounded like the perfect tool to add to my arsenal.

The Reality: My Experience with Heygen

When I first fired up Heygen, I was optimistic. The platform was easy to navigate, and I quickly got the hang of the interface. It seemed like the perfect solution to create quick video content without the need to be on camera.

However, once I got into the process, the cracks started to show. While generating the video was technically simple, the result didn’t quite live up to expectations. The AI-generated voice just didn’t sound like me. It lacked the personal touch and authenticity that make video content engaging. No matter how sophisticated the tech gets, there’s still something about the real human voice that AI just can’t replicate.

The Time Crunch: Is AI Video Really Faster?

Here’s the kicker—what was supposed to be a quick process ended up taking me nearly 3 hours for a simple 2-minute video! Between tweaking the script, adjusting the settings, and fine-tuning the output, it wasn’t the seamless time-saver I had hoped for.

Honestly, I could have written a killer script using ChatGPT, hopped on camera, and recorded it myself in a fraction of the time. For me, the time savings just weren’t there.

Should You Use AI Video in 2024?

I’m not saying AI video doesn’t have potential. For some businesses or content creators, it could be a useful tool, especially for those without the resources for video production. But as of 2024, it’s still far from the “plug and play” revolution it’s being made out to be.

For now, I’m sticking to more traditional methods—after all, I know how to craft my message best, and my audience connects better with me, not an AI version of me.

Final Thoughts: Worth the Hype?

AI video may continue to improve, but for now, it’s not the game changer it’s marketed to be. For quick, authentic content, I’ll stick with my tried-and-true methods. Maybe AI will eventually catch up, but for now, I’ll save myself the 3 hours!

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